
J. Joubert Potgieter was born in the small town of Jagersfontein in the southwestern part of the Free State, South Africa.  After high school, he decided to pursue an artistic career and enrolled in the University of the Free State in Bloemfontein: he graduated with a degree in classical music.  He was appointed to the combined position of Concert Manager and Administrative Officer in the Department of Music at the University of the Free State in 1998. The following year, he enrolled for a master's degree in Musicology.  He successfully finished his studies and graduated in 2001 (his thesis emphasising the importance of documenting modern music history).  In the same year, he was appointed to the position of Concert Manager and Public Relations Officer in the Department of Music & Conservatoire at Stellenbosch University.  Additionally, he was appointed as part-time lecturer in the Music Certificate program of the Department of Music & Conservatoire.  In 2004, Joubert left South Africa and moved to Taichung City, Taiwan.  He is a lifelong learner, devoted to the advancement of fine art and music, and is a prolific painter.  His oeuvre focuses on dynamic watercolours, vivid acrylics and profound charcoal reflections.

Joubert Potgieter 出生於南非西南部自由州 (Free State)一個名為 Jagersfontein 的小鎮,他在完成高中學業後,決定繼續藝術領域的深造,於是便在當地 Bloemfontein 的自由州大學 (University of the Free State) 完成大學學業,主修的是古典樂。大學修業期間,他曾於1998年擔任音樂會統籌,並負責處理音樂學院相關的行政事務。隔年他又繼續專攻音樂學,並於2001年成功的拿到碩士文憑 Joubert 所撰寫的論文,主要在研討現代音樂歷史的重要性。同年,Joubert在斯坦陵布希大學 (Stellenbosch University) 音樂學院擔任音樂會統籌與公關,此外,才華洋溢的他,亦在音樂學院中音樂證照培訓課程中,擔任兼任講師。2004年,Joubert 離開南非,來到了台灣的台中,在此他仍然不停的學習,致力於藝術和音樂上的突破,同時也是創作豐富的畫家,他的畫作著重在動態的水彩畫、生動的膠彩畫(acrylics),以及源自內心靈感所揮灑出來的炭畫創作。